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- ItemRestrictedAdaptation of aphasia tests for neurocognitive screening in South Africa(2010) Mosdell, Jill; Balchin, Ross Malcolm; Ameen, Ozayr SaleTwo aphasia tests — the Cookie Theft Test and the Boston Naming Test — were adapted to help eliminate western cultural, language and education bias in neurocognitive screening in South Africa. These tests were among the commonly used tests initially chosen for inclusion in a larger neurocognitive screening battery currently being developed and translated for use in South Africa — the Groote Schuur Neurocognitive Battery. The adaptations were made employing quantitative and qualitative converging lines of evidence to evaluate their efficacy. This evidence included consultation with clinicians at Groote Schuur Hospital and translators knowledgeable in Afrikaans and isiXhosa language and culture, qualitative feedback from the research participants, and the results on the tests. The adapted tests were piloted by testing 30 neurocognitively intact controls consisting of equal numbers of Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa speakers, comparing their scores to their performances on the original tests. Three aphasic patients were also briefly tested. Results indicate that the adaptations made to the tests improved the performance of controls over the original versions, and tentatively suggest that the adapted tests should be able to screen for aphasia. This pilot study recommends further changes to the Groote Schuur Naming Test before its introduction into the battery ahead of its validation.
- ItemOpen AccessAre we there yet? on a journey towards more contextually relevant resources in speech-language therapy and audiology(AOSIS Publishing, 2013) Pascoe, Michelle; Rogers, Christine; Norman, VivienneAudiologists and speech-language therapists working in developing contexts like South Africa have the opportunity to address a range of needs through their research. One of these needs is the development of assessments and therapy materials that are appropriate for their clients’particular language needs and cultural background. This editorial paper aims to introduce original research in speech-language therapy and audiology, which has been carried out in South Africa and other developing contexts and is presented in this volume of the journal. In addition we suggest that while the focus of much research is on the destination or end product that is developed, there is a need to share the methodologies that are used to reach that goal so that more research can be carried out by a wider pool of students, researchers and clinicians. We describe some of the methods that we have used in our research – often in small scale projects with budgetary constraints, which would be feasible for clinicians in their routine clinical contexts. Our hope is that others can build on these approaches, critique and share their own strategies for the ultimate advancement of the professions in southern Africa.
- ItemOpen AccessAspekte van die verhouding tussen primordialiteit en simbolisering met spesiale verwysing na werke van DJ Opperman en Etienne Leroux(1998) Wessels, Hermann; Snyman, HenningHierdie tesis het ten doel om inhoud te gee aan die konsepte primardialiteit en simbolisering en om die verhouding tussen primordialiteit en simbolisering te ondersoek. In hierdie werk word gepostuleer: 1. dat daar 'n primordiale wereld in Ietterkunde bestaan; 2. dat die proses van simboliseling nodig is vir die oorgang na die primordiale wȇreld in letterkunde: en 3. dat primordialiteit en die proses van simboliseling waarmee tot die primordiale wȇreld oorgegaan word, tot 'n evalueerende konsep van die literȇre teks ontwikke1.
- ItemOpen AccessCode-Switching among Bilingual Speakers of Cape Muslim Afrikaans and South African English in the Bo-Kaap, Cape Town(2020) Cozien, Christine; Mesthrie, RajendThe Bo-Kaap is traditionally a Cape Muslim Afrikaans-speaking community, and sociohistorically it is particularly relevant to the development of Afrikaans at the Cape (Davids 2011, Mahida 1993). The Cape Muslim Afrikaans spoken in the Bo-Kaap is a sub-variety of Standard Afrikaans (Kotzé 1989, Davids 2011) and is distinguishable by its retained lexis (Mesthrie and Bhatt 2008) from languages historically spoken by slaves at the Cape, such as Malay, Arabic, Gujarati, and Konkani. Over time a number of socio-cultural, geographic, and historical factors have introduced the use of South African English alongside Cape Muslim Afrikaans in this speech community. The goal of this study was to provide insight into the nature of bilingual talk in the Bo-Kaap community, and to make a useful contribution to the growing body of codeswitching1 (hereafter CS) research generally. Based on natural language data collected during group interviews with members of the community, the study explored the language contact situation in the Bo-Kaap today, taking the viewpoint that what is occurring presently may be considered CS Three aspects of the CS documented were analysed and quantified. Specifically, the study investigated language interaction phenomena (Myers-Scotton 1995, Deuchar et al 2007) triggers (Clyne 1987) and directionality (Muysken 1997, Deuchar et al 2017, Çetinoglu 2017). A quantitative approach was taken to the data analysis. The interview audio files were downloaded and transcribed in ELAN. (Max Planck Institute). The annotations2 produced in ELAN were organised in a spreadsheet for analysis, resulting in a data set comprised of 356 annotations. The full data set was divided into subsets and tagged for language interaction phenomena, triggers, and directionality. These data sets were then sorted and quantified to identify trends in these three areas of interest. The study found Intra-sentential switches to be the most common type of language interaction phenomenon in the CS of this speech community, being present in 79% of the sampled annotations. Results from other CS studies echo this finding in other speech communities (Al Heeti et al 2016, Koban 2012, Falk 2013). The most common trigger for Intra-word switching in this corpus was in the head of the past tense Verb Phrase. Out of 27 occurrences of Intra-word switching, 16 were of this nature. In all of those an English verb head was housed within an Afrikaans past tense structure. No exceptions were observed in the data set, a strong indicator of the relationship status of the two languages involved. Cape Muslim Afrikaans almost certainly playing the role of the Matrix language, with South African English embedded. In terms of directionality, switching from Cape Muslim Afrikaans into South African English was by far the most common, at 85%. This further supports what the findings on triggers suggest about the hierarchy between these two languages.
- ItemOpen AccessDie modern biografie(1941) Nerina Helene du Toit
- ItemOpen AccessDie probleem van die bereik van die ontkenning met spesiale verwysing na Afrikaans(1978) Waher, Hester; Van der Merwe Scholtz, Hendrik; Combrink, J G HSince the formulation of the Katz-Postal Hypothesis Generative linguists have shown great interest in logical elements like quantifiers and negatives. Differences in the scope of these elements, which correspond to surface position, provide numerous counter examples to the thesis that all semantic information is represented in underlying structure. Part 1 of this study sketches the background of this problem and then examines critically the way in which two models of Generative Grammar, namely Interpretive and Generative Semantics, propose to account for the facts of the scope of negation. In Part 2 the correlation between the scope of negation and the distribution of Afrikaans negative particles is investigated. For the first negative particle this consists of testing its position and interpretation against the thesis generally held in linguistic theory that the leftmost logical element has the widest scope in the sentence. The results show that this particle functions to a considerable extent in the same way as the single negative of cognate languages like English and Dutch. It is argued that the Afrikaans negation differs from that of other standard Indo-European languages only in the presence of an additional negative element and that this element serves to mark the rightmost extent of the scope of negation. This hypothesis is also tested against the data and as a consequence the claim is made that it is well justified. The conclusion reached on the distributional facts is that they can be described in a simpler and more insightful way than has hitherto been done in Afrikaans grammar, if they are related to scope. In Chapter 8 the ability of the models of Generative and Interpretive Semantics to handle the facts of the Afrikaans negation is discussed. It is found that the highest degree of generalization can be achieved by the mechanisms provided by the former. It is therefore concluded that the Afrikaans negation supports the Generative rather than the Interpretive Semantics model.
- ItemOpen AccessDie skryf van ʼn lewe: Die funksionaliteit van ruimte in Stephanus Muller se Nagmusiek (2014)(2019) Fourie, Heloise; Loots, SonjaThis study investigated the functionality of space in Stephanus Muller’s Nagmusiek (2014). The influential works of Gaston Bachelard, Henri Lefebvre and Michel Foucault with regard to the house as a place of shelter and protection, social space as a social product and the principle of heterotopia were used as theoretical approaches to the analysis of the text. In this study the focus of analysis and discussion was on the relationship of Werner Ansbach, the fictional biographer, with the various spaces he enters. Ansbach’s relationship with his private space as well as his experience of public and social spaces in the Stellenbosch area and during his fieldwork, undertaken outside the geographical borders of the town, was investigated. This study discusses the influence that space has on the character as well as the character’s role in and contribution to the functionality of the space. The overlapping of and connection between various spaces through concrete as well as on a symbolic means were subjected to scrutiny. The connection of space highlights the relationship between private and public, between inside and outside, and the overlapping and merging of the concrete author with his fictitious biographer and with the South African composer Arnold van Wyk, the biographical subject of Nagmusiek.
- ItemOpen AccessDie spanning tussen weerloosheid en weerbaarheid soos vergestalt in die vrouefigure van Riana Scheepers(1996) Van Zyl, Anita Johanna; Van der Merwe, Chris NRiana Scheepers se prosawerk sluit deur die fokus op die vrou, gesien vanuit die perspektief van die vrou, aan by die feministiese literatuur, en maak derhalwe 'n feministiese literatuurbenadering van haar werk moontlik. Haar oeuvre, vanaf Die ding in die vuur (1990), tot en met Die heidendogters jubel (1995), lewer 'n belangrike bydrae tot die Afrikaanse vroueliteratuur van die afgelope dekade. In die tematiese ondersoek na die spanning tussen weerloosheid en weerbaarheid is die ginokritiek van die Anglo-Amerikaanse feminis, Elaine Showalter, asook die sogenaamde mites wat in groot mate die gedrag van mans en vroue in die samelewing reel, as teoretiese uitgangspunt geneem. Met die feminisme en die gesosialiseerde opvattings oar die rolle van die geslagte as agtergrond, val die fokus op die vrou se stryd om te oorleef in 'n manlik-gedomineerde samelewing. Hierdie oorlewingstryd word veral geopenbaar in die vrou se verhouding met die man in 'n liefdes- of seksuele verhouding, maar raak ook haar posisie as vrou binne die breer sosiale konteks en haar verhouding met die man in die samelewing. As gevolg van die ongelyke magsverhouding tussen die geslagte waar die vrou in haar verhoudings met die man voortdurend konflik tussen weerloosheid en weerbaarheid. Hierdie spanning is 'n deurlopende tema in Scheepers se werk en die klem val deurgaans op die vergestalting daarvan.
- ItemOpen Access'n Kritiese beskouing van die Maleise en Portugese woorde in Afrikaans(1951) Poole, C HDaar is ivialeise en Portugese woorde in Afrikaans "Wat die volksplanters in 1652 met hul na die Kaap saamgebring het, en daar is woorde wat aan die Kaap self uit die hawe-en slawe taal en uit die taal van die Oosterse bannelinge of hul nageslag in die taal van die Kapenare gekom het. Al sulke Ivialeise en Fortugese woorde sal hier ter sprake kom.
- ItemOpen Access'n Ondersoek na die taal- en literêr-historiese arbeid van J. Du P. Scholtz(1990) Nel, MarietaThe problem postulate which has led to this investigation is the discrepancy between on the one hand the perception of Scholtz's research as the norm to which Afrikaans linguistics is gauged and on the other hand the self-evident ignorance of his work by the average Afrikaans/Nederlands graduate. The subject is: An investigation into the linguistic and literary historic work of J. du P. Scholtz. The intention is to attempt to indicate the entire spectrum of Scholtz's research in these spheres. In order to give a complete picture of his contribution to Afrikaans one should describe the linguistic and literary historic contributions. His work as a cultural and art historian will be mentioned only briefly. Chapter 1 contains the results and analysis of an empirical investigation which was directed into an evaluation of Scholtz's work. In doing so an attempt is made to indicate that the above mentioned ignorance is not merely a personal and imagined scenario: Subsequently chapter 2 points out certain hitherto unknown biographical details and chapter 3 gives a comprehensive chronological outline of Scholtz's publications in an attempt to support the view of him as the norm according to which Afrikaans linguistics is gauged. This is followed by a comprehensive spectrum of his contributions with the focus primarily on his linguistic contributions in chapter 4. Raidt viewed his work from a chronological perspective in_order to trace his development but it is also. important, however, to illustrate the various spheres in which he operated. The entire range, viz diachronic and synchronic linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, linguistic textual analyses, linguistic criticism, socio-historic linguistics and correspondence with linguists is illustrated.
- ItemOpen AccessNarratief en trauma : 'n ondersoek na die gebruik van ‘‘trauma’’ as 'n literêre kategorie in die analise van tekste(2008) Reynecke, Celéste; Van der Merwe, Chris NThis dissertation seeks to explore the notion of "trauma" as a useful tool in the analysis of literary texts. For this reason, aspects of psychological theory pertaining to trauma will be applied to various Afrikaans texts. Horrelpoot (2006) by Eben Venter, as well as Equatoria (2006) by Tom Dreyer will form the backbone of this analysis. Attention will also be paid to the Heart of Darkness (by Joseph Conrad) intertext that appears in both. To expand the analysis, a brief overview of trauma in three other literary texts will also be included. These include Kennis van die Aand (1973) by Andre P Brink, Die Onsigbares (2003) by EKM Didio and In Stede van die Liefde (2005) by Etienne van Heerden. The aim will be to ascertain whether there is a generic way in which authors apply trauma within literary texts, or whether there are different ways of implementing this theme in the novels. Opsomming: Hierdie verhandeling is daarop gemik om ondersoek in te stel of "trauma" 'n bruikbare kategorie is in die analise van literere tekste. Die sielkundige teorie rakende trauma sal dus toegepas word op verskeie Afrikaanse tekste. Die hooffokus sal op Horrelpoot (2006) deur Eben Venter en Equatoria (2006) deur Tom Dreyer wees. Daar sal ook aandag gegee word aan die Heart of Darkness (deur Joseph Conrad) as interteks in albei verhale. Om die ondersoek uit te brei sal 'n bondige oorsig van trauma in drie ander Afrikaanse tekste ook gegee word, naamlik Kennis van die Aand (1973) deur Andre P Brink, Die Onsigbares (2003) deur EKM Didio en In Stede van die Liefde (2005) deur Etienne van Heerden. Daar sal spesifiek gekyk word of die skrywers die trauma-gegewe op dieselfde manier gebruik en of daar verskillende maniere is om met hierdie tematiek te werk te gaan.
- ItemOpen AccessNarratief en trauma in die oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden(2008) Van Zyl, Marieke; Van der Merwe, Chris NDie tesis ondersoek die intertekstuele gesprek in Van Heerden se oeuvre met betrekking tot die temas van narratief, trauma en heling. Teoretiese uitgangspunte vanuit literere en sielkundige ondersoekterreine word gebruik. Ek fokus op narratief en trauma in Van Heerden se romans Matoli (1978), Toorberg (1986), Casspirs en Campari 's (1991), Die stoetmeester (1993), Kikoejoe (1996), Die sYrye van Mario Salviati (2000), In stede van die liefde (2005) en Asbesmiddag (2007). Verskillende fasette van die verwerking van trauma op individuele en kollektiewe vlak, wat regdeur Van Heerden se werk loop, word ondersoek. Daar word gekyk na die temas van verwonding en verskeurdheid en die moontlikheid van heling en versoening in Van Heerden se romans. Die verwerking en herskryf van die verlede, op individuele en kollektiewe vlak; kwessies rondom identiteit nadat 'n lewensnarratief deur trauma verwoes is; die soeke na 'n nuwe toekoms en versoening, versoening met die self, in die gesin en in die land word ondersoek in terme van narratief en trauma. Daar word gekyk na die temas van die verwerking van die verlede, die skuldgevoel van Suid-Afrikaners gedurende en na apartheid, en die verwonding van mense gedurende apartheid. Onderdrukte fasette van die geskiedenis kom na vore in Van Heerden se oeuvre, wat 'n stem gee aan diegene wat in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedskrywing gemarginaliseer is. Die soeke na identiteit mi 'n traumatiese belewenis en die (on-)moontlikheid van he ling is sentrale temas by Van Heerden. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die intertekstuele 'gesprek' tussen Van Heerden se romans aangaande sentrale temas wat op mekaar bou in sy werk. Van Heerden se oeuvre bevestig die helende potensiaal van narratief deur die wyse waarop die temas van verwonding en heling, wat deurlopend in sy werk voorkom, uitgebeeld word.
- ItemOpen AccessThe Realisation of syntactic principles in non-standard Afrikaans: the correspondence of Jan Jonker Afrikaner (1820-1889)(2000) Luijks, Catharina Adriana Dimphina Maria; Waher, HesterThis study compares the syntax of nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans with Dutch and synchronic Afrikaans varieties, with particular attention to Griqua Afrikaans. It provides an account of the differences that are found between the earliest attestations of an extraterritorial variety of the Dutch language on southern African soil (the so-called Cape Dutch Vernacular) with the present-day outcome. The data collected for this study originate chiefly from an hitherto undisclosed corpus of letters kept in the Namibian State Archives by the so-called Oorlam-Nama, people of mixed descent who lived on the periphery of the nineteenth- century Cape colonial society. This thesis argues that nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans is a representative continuation of the earliest developments in the linguistic contact situation that existed at the Cape. The thesis advances that literacy and social class are important factors in the assessment of the written record from the Dutch colony at the Cape. The thesis centers around the letters by one author, Jan Jonker Afrikaner, written over a period of nearly twenty years in the second half of the nineteenth century. This legacy is a unique contribution to the diachronic data concerning the development of Afrikaans. From the data it is shown that this author had the command over different registers, fluctuating between a near perfect metropolitan Dutch and a Hollands that is classified as basilectal Afrikaans. The comparison of the data is set in a framework inspired by the concepts put forward in Generative Grammar. This has precipitated an exciting linguistic comparison of contemporary Afrikaans grammar with the diachronic material. This dissertation challenges the idea that the Khoesan Languages were of no or little influence in the development of Afrikaans. The linguistic analysis of the nineteenth-century data reveal that the developments which took place cannot be attributed to one single origin. It is demonstrated that the innovations and change that can be identified run parallel to regular patterns that are found in other languages generally classified as creole languages. It is argued that the syntax of the Khoesan languages is a major reinforcing factor in the development of the syntactic idiosyncrasies that are identified as un-Germanic characteristics of Afrikaans. Limited to nonstandard varieties of Afrikaans, in the concluding sections the question is raised how these findings are to be addressed in the larger context of language change.
- ItemOpen AccessThe Realisation of syntactic principles in non-standard Afrikaans: the correspondence of Jan Jonker Afrikaner (1820-1889)(2000) Luijks, Catharina Adriana Dimphina Maria; Waher, HesterThis study compares the syntax of nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans with Dutch and synchronic Afrikaans varieties, with particular attention to Griqua Afrikaans. It provides an account of the differences that are found between the earliest attestations of an extraterritorial variety of the Dutch language on southern African soil (the so-called Cape Dutch Vernacular) with the present-day outcome. The data collected for this study originate chiefly from an hitherto undisclosed corpus of letters kept in the Namibian State Archives by the so-called Oorlam-Nama, people of mixed descent who lived on the periphery of the nineteenth- century Cape colonial society. This thesis argues that nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans is a representative continuation of the earliest developments in the linguistic contact situation that existed at the Cape. The thesis advances that literacy and social class are important factors in the assessment of the written record from the Dutch colony at the Cape. The thesis centers around the letters by one author, Jan Jonker Afrikaner, written over a period of nearly twenty years in the second half of the nineteenth century. This legacy is a unique contribution to the diachronic data concerning the development of Afrikaans. From the data it is shown that this author had the command over different registers, fluctuating between a near perfect metropolitan Dutch and a Hollands that is classified as basilectal Afrikaans. The comparison of the data is set in a framework inspired by the concepts put forward in Generative Grammar. This has precipitated an exciting linguistic comparison of contemporary Afrikaans grammar with the diachronic material. This dissertation challenges the idea that the Khoesan Languages were of no or little influence in the development of Afrikaans. The linguistic analysis of the nineteenth-century data reveal that the developments which took place cannot be attributed to one single origin. It is demonstrated that the innovations and change that can be identified run parallel to regular patterns that are found in other languages generally classified as creole languages. It is argued that the syntax of the Khoesan languages is a major reinforcing factor in the development of the syntactic idiosyncrasies that are identified as un-Germanic characteristics of Afrikaans. Limited to nonstandard varieties of Afrikaans, in the concluding sections the question is raised how these findings are to be addressed in the larger context of language change.
- ItemOpen AccessThe Realisation of syntactic principles in non-standard Afrikaans: the correspondence of Jan Jonker Afrikaner (1820-1889)(2000) Luijks, Catharina Adriana Dimphina Maria; Waher, HesterThis study compares the syntax of nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans with Dutch and synchronic Afrikaans varieties, with particular attention to Griqua Afrikaans. It provides an account of the differences that are found between the earliest attestations of an extraterritorial variety of the Dutch language on southern African soil (the so-called Cape Dutch Vernacular) with the present-day outcome. The data collected for this study originate chiefly from an hitherto undisclosed corpus of letters kept in the Namibian State Archives by the so-called Oorlam-Nama, people of mixed descent who lived on the periphery of the nineteenth- century Cape colonial society. This thesis argues that nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans is a representative continuation of the earliest developments in the linguistic contact situation that existed at the Cape. The thesis advances that literacy and social class are important factors in the assessment of the written record from the Dutch colony at the Cape. The thesis centers around the letters by one author, Jan Jonker Afrikaner, written over a period of nearly twenty years in the second half of the nineteenth century. This legacy is a unique contribution to the diachronic data concerning the development of Afrikaans. From the data it is shown that this author had the command over different registers, fluctuating between a near perfect metropolitan Dutch and a Hollands that is classified as basilectal Afrikaans. The comparison of the data is set in a framework inspired by the concepts put forward in Generative Grammar. This has precipitated an exciting linguistic comparison of contemporary Afrikaans grammar with the diachronic material. This dissertation challenges the idea that the Khoesan Languages were of no or little influence in the development of Afrikaans. The linguistic analysis of the nineteenth-century data reveal that the developments which took place cannot be attributed to one single origin. It is demonstrated that the innovations and change that can be identified run parallel to regular patterns that are found in other languages generally classified as creole languages. It is argued that the syntax of the Khoesan languages is a major reinforcing factor in the development of the syntactic idiosyncrasies that are identified as un-Germanic characteristics of Afrikaans. Limited to nonstandard varieties of Afrikaans, in the concluding sections the question is raised how these findings are to be addressed in the larger context of language change.
- ItemOpen AccessThe Realisation of syntactic principles in non-standard Afrikaans: the correspondence of Jan Jonker Afrikaner (1820-1889)(2000) Luijks, Catharina Adriana Dimphina Maria; Waher, HesterThis study compares the syntax of nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans with Dutch and synchronic Afrikaans varieties, with particular attention to Griqua Afrikaans. It provides an account of the differences that are found between the earliest attestations of an extraterritorial variety of the Dutch language on southern African soil (the so-called Cape Dutch Vernacular) with the present-day outcome. The data collected for this study originate chiefly from an hitherto undisclosed corpus of letters kept in the Namibian State Archives by the so-called Oorlam-Nama, people of mixed descent who lived on the periphery of the nineteenth- century Cape colonial society. This thesis argues that nineteenth-century Orange River Afrikaans is a representative continuation of the earliest developments in the linguistic contact situation that existed at the Cape. The thesis advances that literacy and social class are important factors in the assessment of the written record from the Dutch colony at the Cape. The thesis centers around the letters by one author, Jan Jonker Afrikaner, written over a period of nearly twenty years in the second half of the nineteenth century. This legacy is a unique contribution to the diachronic data concerning the development of Afrikaans. From the data it is shown that this author had the command over different registers, fluctuating between a near perfect metropolitan Dutch and a Hollands that is classified as basilectal Afrikaans. The comparison of the data is set in a framework inspired by the concepts put forward in Generative Grammar. This has precipitated an exciting linguistic comparison of contemporary Afrikaans grammar with the diachronic material. This dissertation challenges the idea that the Khoesan Languages were of no or little influence in the development of Afrikaans. The linguistic analysis of the nineteenth-century data reveal that the developments which took place cannot be attributed to one single origin. It is demonstrated that the innovations and change that can be identified run parallel to regular patterns that are found in other languages generally classified as creole languages. It is argued that the syntax of the Khoesan languages is a major reinforcing factor in the development of the syntactic idiosyncrasies that are identified as un-Germanic characteristics of Afrikaans. Limited to nonstandard varieties of Afrikaans, in the concluding sections the question is raised how these findings are to be addressed in the larger context of language change.
- ItemOpen AccessTowards Validation of South African Communicative Development Inventories: An object naming/identification task for South African English and Afrikaans(2022) Husselmann, Nicole; Pascoe, Michelle; Southwood, FrenetteBackground: South Africa is a country rich in diversity, with language constituting a large proportion of this diversity as the country has eleven official languages with Afrikaans, isiXhosa and South African English (SAE) being the provincial languages of the Western Cape. Research on language acquisition in South Africa is limited, but vital for the early identification, assessment and management of children who are not developing language in a typical way. A recent project in South Africa has led to the development of Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDIs) in several of the country's official languages. MB-CDIs are parent-report questionnaires about young children's language acquisition. It is challenging to validate these MB-CDIs in the local context as there are few other language assessments available for comparative purposes. Aims and Objectives: This project aimed to develop a protocol for language assessments that can be used as part of the validation process for the MB-CDIs in South African languages. The objectives were (1) to devise a protocol for an object naming and object identification task for use with six South African languages (Afrikaans, isiXhosa, SAE, Sesotho, Setswana, and Xitsonga); (2) to describe the expressive and receptive language of children acquiring SAE based on assessment with two different tools/approaches (the object naming/identification task and parent-report MB-CDI); and (3) to describe the expressive and receptive language of children acquiring Afrikaans based on assessment with two different tools/approaches (the object naming/identification task and parent-report MB-CDI). Methodology: This study used a mixed-methods, descriptive-linguistic approach. The first objective relied on literature only and no participants were needed. I devised a protocol for a novel object naming/identification task1 which could be used to validate the MB-CDIs in six languages (Afrikaans, isiXhosa, SAE, Sesotho, Setswana, and Xitsonga). For objectives 2 and 3, focusing solely on SAE and Afrikaans, I used the protocol to devise an object naming/identification task to be used with each language, respectively. Participants (toddlercaregiver dyads) were recruited and a pilot study undertaken in which the object naming/identification task was administered to each child participant. I collected parental report data by either administering the MB-CDI in SAE and Afrikaans manually to the adult participants (parents/guardians of the children), or by providing them with a link to the online version of the MB-CDI which they were able to complete in their own time. A total of 35 dyads were included in this study: 17 child and 17 adult participants for SAE and 18 child and 18 adult participants for Afrikaans. Results: SAE: The descriptive statistics suggested variability in the overall scores on both the object naming/identification task and the MB-CDI. Correlations between the 25 items in the object naming/identification task and the same 25 items in the MB-CDI indicated a significant correlation between the two assessments overall (r=0.928; p<0.05) and a significant correlation was indicated for toddlers only (r=0.935; p<0.05) and a significant correlation was indicated for toddlers only (r=0.901; p< 0.01). Correlations between the object naming/identification task and the entire MB-CDI indicated a significant correlation (r=0.901; p< 0.01) for overall vocabulary scores. Internal reliability scores for only the 25 items included in the object naming/identification task and the 25 items in the MB-CDI also indicated a high internal consistency for the language domains (α=0.911). For the gesture domain, a reasonable but lower internal consistency (α=0.673) was found. Internal reliability scores overall indicated a high internal consistency for the language domains (α=0.947). In contrast, the internal consistency indicated for the gesture domain was not satisfactory (α=0.293). Afrikaans: The descriptive statistics indicated variability among scores obtained on the MB-CDI and the object naming/identification task. Correlations between the 25 items included in the object naming/identification task and only the same 25 items included in the MB-CDI, indicated a strong correlation (r=0.906; p< 0.01). No correlation was found for infants only (r=0.692; p< 0.05) and a significant correlation was indicated for toddlers only (r=0.901; p< 0.01). Correlations between the object naming/identification task and the entire MB-CDI indicated a strong correlation for overall vocabulary scores (r=0.909; p< 0.01). Internal reliability scores on only the 25 items included in both assessments indicated a high internal consistency for the language domains (α=0.960). Internal reliability scores between the object naming/identification task and the entire MB-CDI indicated a high internal consistency for the language domains (α=0.950). Similarly, a strong internal consistency was found for the gesture domain (α=0.914). Conclusion: The findings indicate that when correlating the responses to the 25 items included in the object naming/identification task and the MB-CDI only, as well as from the entire vocabulary and gesture sections of the MB-CDI, there is high concurrent validity between the two assessments overall for both SAE and Afrikaans. Focusing on toddlers and infants more specifically, although high concurrent validity was found overall, the findings for both SAE and Afrikaans suggest that there is high concurrent validity for both assessments for toddlers, but no correlation between the assessments for infants. High internal consistency indicated reliability for both assessments for SAE and Afrikaans. The object naming/identification task, which was developed and piloted in this study, has the potential to be used as a measure to validate full MB-CDIs in SAE and Afrikaans. Furthermore, it has the potential to be used as a valid and reliable screening tool in its own right, although further refinement is needed for the infant component of the task. The protocol developed in the first objective of this study can now be applied to other local languages, ultimately contributing to the creation of a valid and reliable set of assessments of young children's early language development in South Africa.
- ItemOpen AccessTussen mentors en minnaars: ʼn Voorstel vir ʼn nuwe leesmodel vir die lees van werke deur skrywers soos Peter Blum en lna Rousseau, waar ʼn persoonlike verhouding tussen die skrywers bestaan het(2017) Colyn, Tania; Hambidge, JoanThis study investigates the problematic nature of personal relationships between certain writers and seeks to understand the nature of their relationship and the resulting influence on their work. The question of intellectual property rights is also raised - when two writers live together and discuss their ideas with one another, who owns the final text? Both feminism and psychoanalysis are used to investigate the relationships between the various writers. The work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung especially is used as basis for analysis. A modern lens is used to investigate the relationship between four local writers - the first example is the relationship between Ina Rousseau and Peter Blum, and the second example the relationship between Sheila Cussons and N.P. Van Wyk Louw. After this, the relationships between international writers are investigated - firstly the relationship between Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, and then the relationship between Hélène Cixous and Jacques Derrida is studied. After using the lens of modernism, the focus moves to a post-modernism reading of the work of Hennie Aucamp and Koos Prinsloo, as well as the conversation that originated between these two writers. An investigation of Johann de Lange as a rewriter of their work is also conducted. Aucamp and Prinsloo had a mentor-mentee relationship, but in his work Prinsloo has insinuated that Aucamp was interested in a sexual relationship with him. However, De Lange contextualised this in his work and "corrected" Prinsloo's perception by stating that Aucamp merely intended to mentor Prinsloo and was not interested in any kind of intimate relationship with Prinsloo. Slavoj Žižek's theory is used as a possible solution for the question posed in this study. His work represents a bridge between the modern and post-modern readings of the works studied here. Applying his theory, the study attempts to bridge the gap between modernism and postmodernism. Žižek investigates the nature of the relationship between the viewer/reader and the artwork, as well as the suspension of the borders between fiction and reality. He investigates the fictional space, as well as the interaction of the reader/viewer with this space. Judith Butler's theories regarding gender construction are also used to inform the interpretation.
- ItemOpen Accessʼn Skisoanalitiese studie van Willem Anker en Samsa-masjien (2015)(2019) Kotze, Emma; Loots, SonjaIn his academic work Willem Anker shows a strong interest in the theoretical framework of schizoanalysis as developed by the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Anker’s academic interest serves as the impetus for this study’s consideration of the possible influence of the schizoanalysis on Anker’s drama text Samsa-masjien (2015). The study uses the theoretical lens of schizoanalysis to analyse Samsa-masjien. It presents the text as an example of how Anker forms a creative alliance with Deleuze and Guattari. Furthermore, the intertextual conversation between Samsa-masjien and Franz Kafka’s Die Verwandlung (1915) and Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse (1924) is highlighted. Kafka forms the central reference in Deleuze and Guattari’s minor theory. In this theory they describe Kafka as minor author and his literary works as minor literature. Taking into account the intertextual conversations between Samsa-masjien and some of Kafka’s works and following Deleuze and Guattari’s theory on Kafka, the possibility of regarding Samsamasjien as minor literature and Anker as minor author is brought into consideration. In considering Anker as minor author information not pertaining to the text is also brought into question (as with Deleuze and Guattari’s study of Kafka). Anker’s relation to the constructs of agency, inheritance and the female subject are investigated, in order to critically consider the manner in which he claims his minor position. The study relates to the feminist critique on Deleuze and Guattari and argues that Anker forms part of the problematic, masculine culture which Deleuze and Guattari symbolise for a number of prominent feminist literary theoriticians.