Innovative Finance Week 4 Video 10 - Case studies discovering opportunities-
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This video is on case studies that are focused on finding opportunities. The first case study is of a Malawian initiative. The growth of the business and research process is discussed. Partnerships with other businesses are also discussed.
The next case study is on early childhood development. Innovation in the space in the form of financial instruments is discussed. The different types of partnerships are also discussed.
The next case study discusses risk perception amongst investors. It goes into how they worked on being appealing to potential investors whilst serving poorer people. It then discusses how they used their network, prior experiences and partnerships to raise capital by meeting the objectives of potential funders.
The next case study talks about the work done with Bertha center on social impact bonds. They discuss the difficulties surrounding procurement processes. They also touch on social purpose vehicles (SPV).
The next case study is for peer to peer learning platform. It discusses their partnerships and objectives and provides examples of work they have done already and the communities they are involved with.
This is video 10/11 in week 4 of the Innovative Finance: Hacking Finance to Change the World course.
Phiri, L. 2019. Innovative Finance Week 4 Video 10 - Case studies discovering opportunities-. [MOOC].