Apprentissage de la conjugaison francaise et de la culture congolaise par la chanson de Franco Luambo Makiadi

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[page 2 & 7 missing] There are numerous ways of gaining competency in a language. We learn a language from infancy through contact with family and society. We learn through conversation, stories and song. The stories within a culture convey the dramatic role of language, for instance, a story of a hunter, a farmer, or fisherman. In society, there are many people who struggle to come to terms with French verbs. The problem of the French teacher is to find a natural way to teach such people. The purpose of this study is to present a didactic solution to the problem of communication competence among learners who are battling to master the French verbs. Because song is a natural expression of African culture, it is a readily available tool to aid learners to understand the use of French verbs. The modern world is in constant flux and there is a need to equip learners to cope with the complexities of life in a global village. The choice of songs as a medium of teaching French verbs draws both upon African culture and tradition and equips learners to cope with an international society. Singing is a natural way to learn a language and the choice of this subject is justified by the interest in acquiring a competency in communicating in French. The method is ideally suited for teaching in a school setting, where scholars have a desire to improve their ability to speak French. The song plays a vital role in African culture and is the prevailing medium of expression for African people. In all African languages, song plays a key role in culture and society. There are many varieties of songs. We could classify them into two basic groupings: Popular songs (nonreligious) and religious songs. By using popular non-religious songs, we will be using Congolese linguistics to teach French verbs. Because songs are an anthropological expression of people in society, it is a means of communication, teaching and transference of social mores and culture; it is an ideal medium for teaching a second language.

