A comparative analysis of outcome with various psychotherapeutic methods
Doctoral Thesis
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University of Cape Town
The University of Cape Town Child Guidance Clinic had never evaluated its efficacy as a community service nor its efficacy as a training ground for trainee clinical psychologists. Furthermore, client satisfaction with services offered had not been assessed. Hence this study was undertaken. The unique features of this study are: two types of control groups are used, a non-referred, untreated group of children and a referred untreated group of children and not the problematic defectors extensively used. Inexperienced clinical psychology trainees and experienced registered clinical psychologists conducted therapy for the two experimental groups. A survey of the literature shows that when institutions survey their efficacy the majority of studies are ex post facto. Moreover, when child guidance clinics undertake either ex post facto or prospective investigations, professionals from varying disciplines and training backgrounds are included in the survey thereby confusing the controversial issue of efficacy even further. Therefore, it was thought only to assess the efficacy of psychologists. Finally, the study gives a clear detailed description of the pitfalls of prospective research in a child guidance setting. Details are given of how research strategies had to be altered to take into account the various resistances and difficulties encountered.
Bibliography: p. 337-359.
Shamley, D. 1977. A comparative analysis of outcome with various psychotherapeutic methods. University of Cape Town.