ROER4D First Technical Report - June 2013-August 2014
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University of Cape Town
ROER4D Project Outputs
This technical report covers the first year of the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development project, outlining the progress of the central project network and the twelve sub-projects as they fulfill their research objectives. Core areas of this report include the development of ROER4D's research capacity enhancement programme; the communications policy, networking activities, and the curation framework. It also includes reportbacks on some of the difficulties experienced in the initial stages of an international, multi-continental and multi-lingual project and includes recommendations to address some of these problems. This document was produced as part of the International Development Research Centre's requirements for the projects it funds.
Hodgkinson-Williams, C., Cartmill, T. 2014-08-27. ROER4D First Technical Report - June 2013-August 2014. ROER4D Project Outputs. University of Cape Town.