TEDI 4 Week 2 - Strategies to Facilitate Communication



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In this video, Maurisa Moloto focuses on some of the practical strategies that can be employed to improve communication for children with severe to profound intellectual disabilities. She discusses using different items and symbols to determine the communicative abilities of different children, and the use of simple questions to encourage communication. She discusses the importance of analysing non-verbal and non-speech communication such as reaching, head-tilting or reaching behaviour. She also discusses the importance of using different teaching tools and techniques for reaching each child in the best way to promote their learning, and the use of a 'communication book; that can be used by the child to communicate to friends and teachers as well as to assist the educators and caregivers in documenting how each child responds to different communication techniques. She also stresses the importance of developing 'vocabulary' (which can include non-verbal symbols and actions) that can assist the child in other spaces, such as in public or at home. Lastly, she stresses the importance of giving children choice to promote their own agency, whether this is in the form of choosing clothing colours or how they want to eat or bathe.
