A collective self-governance framework for urban facilities management settings: application at public transport interchanges in economically depressed areas in Cape Town

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Government investment in urban infrastructure and facilities, such as public transport interchanges, benefits local communities. However, the literature suggests that equivalent investments in governance and management of public transport interchanges must accompany the infrastructure investment to avoid physical and functional obsolescence. This study examined the willingness of the users of public transport interchanges, such as minibus taxi operators and informal traders, to participate in the collective self-governance of their public transport interchanges. Furthermore, this study closed the knowledge gap regarding the psychosocial-economic factors motivating minibus taxi operators and informal traders' willingness to participate in public transport interchange collective self-governance institutions. This research is approached from the perspective of integrating the three pillars of facilities management: people, place, and process, with special focus on the last pillar (in the context of collective self-governance). This study merged the Social Identity Model for Collective Action (SIMCA), Place Attachment Theory, and Elinor Ostrom's Design Principles for Self-Governance of Common-Pool Resources to form the theoretical framework. The merging of these three theories produced five critical constructs that were utilised to develop the conceptual framework: place attachment, group-based anger, group identification, group efficacy, and collective selfgovernance. Furthermore, the conceptual framework postulated eight hypothesised relationships for this study. These hypotheses were quantitatively tested using survey questionnaires and convenience sampling methods. The surveys were carried out at four public transport interchanges in economically depressed areas of Cape Town: Dunoon, Mitchell's Plain, Nyanga, and Khayelitsha. The survey targeted the minibus taxi operators and the informal traders at these public transport interchanges. A total of 316 questionnaires were found suitable and included in the study. The survey data was analysed using Partial Least SquaresStructural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), Smart PLS Version 3 software. The study findings revealed that all eight hypothesised relationships were statistically significant. As a result, it was determined that each of the theorised relationships were crucial for the functioning of the collective self-governance framework; consequently, they were all retained. In addition, the study found that users' emotional attachment to public transport interchanges leads to their willingness to participate in collective self-governance institutions. However, the framework developed in this study argues that while this relationship exists it is mediated by three psychological and cognitive factors, namely, 1) users identify themselves as part of a collective; 2) users' willingness to preserve, maintain and protect the public transport interchange; and 3) users' beliefs in their collective abilities to resolve public transport interchange challenges. The study findings further show that the collective self-governance framework has significant explanatory and predictive power (R2 and Q2 values, respectively). These findings provide empirical evidence that confirms that the minibus taxi operators and informal traders who responded to this study showed a strong willingness to participate in collective selfgovernance institutions at the public transport interchanges. In addition, the reliability and validity collective self-governance framework was confirmed by testing it at multi-public transport interchanges and with multi-groups of minibus taxi operators and informal traders using PLS-SEM and One-Way ANOVA. Finally, this study makes several original contributions to the urban facilities management literature. Firstly, merging The Social Identity Model for Collective Action (SIMCA), Place Attachment Theory, and Elinor Ostrom's Design Principles for Self-Governance of CommonPool Resources into one framework is a major theoretical contribution. Secondly, the psychosocial-economic factors motivating minibus taxi operators and informal traders' willingness to participate in public transport interchange collective self-governance institutions constitute an original contribution. Thirdly, the development and testing of the eight hypotheses in this study, also represent a unique empirical contribution. Fourthly, this study makes a significant methodological contribution to the urban facilities management literature using PLS-SEM and One-Way ANOVA using multi-site, multi-group study areas. Lastly, this study will likely encourage practitioners and policymakers to consider collective self-governance as one of the governance modes for public transport interchanges. This study suggests that minibus taxi operators and informal traders would consider collective self-governance of their public transport interchanges if policymakers and practitioners presented them with the opportunity to do so.

