A changing paradigm of mission in the Protestant churches of Mozambique : a case study of Eduardo Mondlane
Doctoral Thesis
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University of Cape Town
This work traces a changing paradigm of mission within the protestant churches of Mozambique and particularly in the Igreja Presbiteriana de Moçambique (IPM), as it moved toward autonomy within the context of the Portuguese colonial project. In this shifting paradigm, the church was forced to define its role in the broader struggle for liberation, particularly after the formation of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) in 1962. Although this is an historical critical study, the focus is theological and more particularly missiological and employs the paradigms of mission identified by David Bosch. The study draws significantly on the work of Teresa Cruz e Silva, Eric Morier-Genoud and Alf Helgesson as well as Malyn Newitt and the recent biography of Janet Mondlane. Primary material has been drawn largely from the archives of the Departement Missionaire de la Suisse Rornande, the World Council of Churches and the Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionaisfforre do Tombo of the Ministerio da Cultura de Portugal. The main body of the work examines the life and thought of Eduardo Mondlane, the first President of FRELIMO. Mondlane was raised in a traditional African family before becoming integrated into the MS through the missionary Andre-Daniel Clerc. He pursued studies in South Africa, Portugal and the United States with the support of church scholarships and his connection with the church continued until his death. His theological thought, particularly his understanding of the role of the church in the context of colonialism, challenged and impacted the protestant communities in Mozambique, the Reformed church in Switzerland and the emerging modem global ecumenical movement. It is argued that Mondlane's motivation for involvement in the liberation struggle cannot be thoroughly understood without a serious examination of his life of faith and his changing theological understanding of the mission of the church. The final chapter of this work examines the impact of this changed paradigm on the relationships among the local protestant churches, the former mission sending church, the new FRELIMO government and the World Council of Churches in the years following Mondlane's death Particular attention is paid to the impact of the death in prison of Zedequias Manganhela .
Includes bibliographical references ( leaves 222-229)
Faris, R. 2007. A changing paradigm of mission in the Protestant churches of Mozambique : a case study of Eduardo Mondlane. University of Cape Town.