Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town

dc.contributor.authorCentre for Popular Memoryen_ZA
dc.description.abstractPeople in South Africa have a dynamic, but largely unrecorded heritage. The Centre for Popular Memory (CPM) creates spaces for these stories to be heard, seen and remembered. Through oral history, students are able to gain a better understanding of an historical event from the experiences of people. These interviews and digital stories assist in contextualizing local historical events by providing living people's testimonies of their experiences.en_ZA
dc.identifier.apacitation 2010. <i>Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town.</i> http://hdl.handle.net/11427/2625en_ZA
dc.identifier.chicagocitation. 2010. <i>Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town.</i> http://hdl.handle.net/11427/2625en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation 2010. <i>Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town.</i> http://hdl.handle.net/11427/2625en_ZA
dc.identifier.ris TY - Other AU - Centre for Popular Memory AB - People in South Africa have a dynamic, but largely unrecorded heritage. The Centre for Popular Memory (CPM) creates spaces for these stories to be heard, seen and remembered. Through oral history, students are able to gain a better understanding of an historical event from the experiences of people. These interviews and digital stories assist in contextualizing local historical events by providing living people's testimonies of their experiences. DA - 2010 DB - OpenUCT DP - University of Cape Town LK - https://open.uct.ac.za PB - University of Cape Town PY - 2010 T1 - Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town TI - Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town UR - http://hdl.handle.net/11427/2625 ER - en_ZA
dc.identifier.vancouvercitation. 2010. <i>Oral history and digital stories from Cape Town.</i> http://hdl.handle.net/11427/2625en_ZA
dc.publisher.departmentDepartment of Historical Studiesen_ZA
dc.publisher.facultyFaculty of Humanitiesen_ZA
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Cape Town
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalen_ZA
dc.subject.otherCape Townen_ZA
dc.subject.othercape town fish marketen_ZA
dc.subject.othercape town floodsen_ZA
dc.subject.otherhawkers in cape townen_ZA
dc.subject.otherklipfontein road, cape townen_ZA
dc.subject.otheroral historyen_ZA
dc.titleOral history and digital stories from Cape Townen_ZA
uct.type.publicationTeaching and learningen_ZA