Methanol conversion to olefins and propene oligomerization over modified SAPO-34 and dealuminated mordenite

Doctoral Thesis


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University of Cape Town

SAP0-34 and mordenite, catalysts with quite different pore structures, are known to be suitable for methanol conversion to light olefins and propene oligomerization to a distillate type product, respectively. In this study, these catalysts were modified in various ways and the effect of these modifications on the activity and selectivity of the above two reactions investigated. SAP0-34, a small-pore silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve, is highly selective in the formation of ethene and propene from methanol, but deactivates rapidly due to coke formation. This catalyst was synthesized and modified in various ways in an attempt to increase the catalyst lifetime and selectivity to ethene. Mild hydrothermal conditions encountered during deep-bed calcination of SAP0-34 were found to increase the catalyst lifetime. A number of further modifications were made to this deep-bed calcined material in an attempt to increase further the lifetime of this material. These modifications were : (i) Silanization - in order to neutralize the acidity on the external surface of the crystallites and hence reduce pore-mouth blockage by coke species on the crystallite external surface; (ii) Steaming - to investigate the effect of more severe hydrothermal conditions than those encountered under deep-bed-calcination conditions; (iii) Acid site poisoning by ammonia - in an attempt to reduce the rate of coke formation which takes place readily on strong acid sites; (iv) Boron impregnation - in order to reduce the intercrystalline void volume and thereby sterically hinder the formation of bulky coke molecules within the SAP0-34 pores; (v) Acid and caustic treatments - in order to reduce the catalyst acidity and thereby limit the rate of the coke formation reaction.

Bibliography: pages 225-233.

