TEDI 3 Week 2 - Visual Efficiency and Compensatory Academic Skills



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In this video, Hestelle Viljoen discusses two topics from the Expanded Core Curriculum for visually-impaired learners, namely visual efficiency and compensatory academic skills. Visual efficiency refers to making full use of the residual sight that low-vision learners have in order to maximise their learning. This can include high-contrast, large print, or other interventions that support their learning. Compensatory academic skills refer to the additional skills a learner with visual impairment needs to develop in order to access the curriculum, which can include various hardware and software such as text-to-speech programmes, text magnifiers, and other assistive technology. Hestelle also discusses how to develop pedagogical techniques that help learners navigate a society developed with sighted people in mind - such as the use of visual signposting, or information conveyed by visual graphs. She discusses how to include multi-modal educational techniques incorporating audio, tactile learning elements, and braille, to help convey information that would otherwise be conveyed visually, and practical ways of modifying visual content in order to support learning.
