Scholarly outputs: online and discoverable - not always accessible
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University of Cape Town. OpenUCT
University of Cape Town
Academics have (largely) come to understand that their work being online is necessary. The online space provides an environment where work can be shared and read as well as being a platform through which it can reach those who need it. This first step of sharing highlights the need for the work to be discoverable - if an article is online but no-one can find it, it has not really been shared. To extend this, even if your work is online and discoverable, do you know if it is accessible? As a part of the online presence work that we at OpenUCT have been doing with UCT academics, we had a look at the number of articles that appear in the top ten Google scholar search results when searching for the scholarly work of 16 UCT academic staff members in a variety of disciplines. This is what we found.
Goodier, S. 2013-01. Scholarly outputs: online and discoverable - not always accessible. Other. University of Cape Town. OpenUCT.