Genetic risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome

Doctoral Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common occupational injury that is caused by an increase in pressure within the carpal tunnel structure which, in turn, causes compression of the median nerve. Although several factors are believed to be associated with increased risk of CTS, the direct causes of this injury remain unknown and it is generally accepted that CTS, with the exception of acutely caused CTS, is a multifactorial condition. Although it is generally accepted that an increase in pressure within the carpal tunnel structure, which contains nine flexor tendons, causes compression of the median nerve, the involvement of these tendons and other connective tissue structures in the aetiology of CTS cannot be excluded. In support of this, pathology of these connective structures have been proposed as being comorbid conditions or a precursor of CTS, cause CTS and/or can lead to an increase in carpal tunnel pressure. Several studies have suggested that specific non-occupational risk factors, such as anatomical, systemic and chronic factors as well as mostly repetition- and force-related occupational risk factors are associated with CTS. Although genetic influences in the aetiology of CTS have been proposed, this area has received little attention. Common DNA sequence variants on the other hand have previously been reported to associate with common exercise-associated tendon, such as chronic Achilles tendinopathy, and ligament injuries. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether common DNA sequence variants within several genes that have been associated or implicated in the aetiology of exercise-related musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries, are associated with altered risk of CTS by using a genetic association case-control study approach.

Includes bibliographical references.

