Salt River multi modal transport interchange
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
South African cities have unique spatial design challenges which can be attributed to our historical and politically charged urban planning practices. Our cities are characterised by modernist town planning principles which have fragmented communities through spatial barriers such as highways, train lines and fences while current development perpetuates urban sprawl. Due to these circumstances many contemporary urban design policies promote densification strategies through transit orientated approaches.In my thesis project, I propose to redesign Salt River Train Station into a multi modal transport interchange. I argue that this multimodal interchange can have an urban developmental and regenerative effect that can address some of the challenges faced in our urban landscape. This design report will attempt to document the processes and explorative methods that I have incorporated during this design process.
Includes abstract.
Includes bibliographical references.
Venter, J. 2011. Salt River multi modal transport interchange. University of Cape Town.