Coincident proton decay of the continuum induced by 200 MeV protons on 12C
Doctoral Thesis
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University of Cape Town
Coincident protons from the reaction ¹²C(p,2p) at an incident proton energy of 200 Me V, have been measured using conventional particle telescopes. Data were acquired at nine pairs of angles (θ₂=20°, 45°, 70°, 95°, 120° and 145° for θ₁ =-20°, and θ₂=35°, 85° and 135° for θ₁ =-45°). An improved model, based on previous theoretical and experimental work, has been proposed to describe the reaction mechanism leading to the observed coincident proton yield from the nuclear continuum. This model considers an initial quasifree nucleon-nucleon interaction - described by a distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA) treatment - between the incident proton and a single target nucleon, followed by the rescattering of the struck nucleon, which behaves as an intranuclear projectile, from the spectator part of the target nucleus. The validity of the DWIA treatment used in the continuum study, has been tested by analysing the kinematic regions of the coincident proton energy spectra corresponding to the knockout of protons from the outer lp3/2 orbital of ¹²C which do not undergo further interactions with the residual nucleus. Good agreement in shape has been found between the calculated and measured cross sections in the kinematic region of interest to the continuum study. An average spectroscopic factor of 1.1±0.3 was extracted. Except in the -20°,20° case, the DWIA treatment was found to be insensitive to the choice of the initial or final energy prescriptions for the two-body scattering approximation. Nonlocality effects were found to be small, changing the absolute value of spectroscopic factors by a maximum of 20%. Coincident continuum cross sections were extracted from the experimental data corresponding to the detection of protons at the θ₁ angles with energies of 70±5 MeV, 100±5 MeV and 130±5 MeV. Comparisons were made with calculations which modelled the proposed reaction mechanism in terms of a convolution integral over the DWIA cross sections describing the initial quasifree knockout process and experimental inelastic scattering probabilities describing the further multiple scattering interactions undergone by the knocked out nucleons. Good agreement has been found between the normalized calculated and measured continuum cross sections (spectroscopic factors varying from 0.8 to 2.3 between sets of data, depending on the kinematic region sampled and the prescription used for the two-body scattering approximation). It has been shown that contributions from nucleons that are knocked out both in- and out-of-plane in the initial quasifree process should be considered, and that the contribution from neutron knockout in the initial interaction is significant, ranging from 0.13 to 0.62 that of the proton knockout contribution.
Bibliography: p. 212-221.
Pilcher, J. 1989. Coincident proton decay of the continuum induced by 200 MeV protons on 12C. University of Cape Town.