A statistical investigation into the validity and reliability of the human figure drawing test

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The objective of the present study is to statistically investigate the validity and reliability of the Koppitz Human Figure Drawing Test. 300 children aged eight years to eleven years were tested on the 1) Human Figure Drawing Test, 2) Goodenough Draw-a-man Test, 3) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, and 4) New South African Group Test - Junior K, for the intellectual assessment, and on the 1 ) Human Figure Drawing Test, 2) Rutter Parent ( A2) Questionnaire, 3) Rutter Teacher (82) Scale, and 4) the California Test of Personality for the emotional assessment. 224 children aged 6 years to 12 years were assessed for one week test-retest reliability; 175 children aged 8 years to 14 years for one month test-retest reliability; and one hundred drawings were scored for each of inter- and intra-scorer reliability. The results indicate that (1) the Human Figure Drawing Test is not a valid indicator of emotional and behavioural adjustment or as a measure of intelligence, except at the Borderline Range for mental Retardation; and (2) highly significant test-retest and scorer reliabilities were obtained. It is concluded that the Human Figure Drawing Test cannot be regarded as a useful clinical technique.

