Open Education and the Open Scholarship Agenda, a University of Cape Town Perspective



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University of Cape Town


University of Cape Town

At the University of Cape Town open education and open scholarship activities and projects have taken place in several guises over the past seven years. They have been loosely connected, driven by champions and enabled by external grant funding. Open education practices and advocacy work has been firmly grounded in a collegial institutional culture, with the concomitant implications. The year 2014 saw the organic growth come together in an institutional commitment expressed in a Council-approved holistic open access policy, in the Launch of a repository curating both open education resources and research, and through a decision by the Library to provide a home for much of the work, partnered by the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching. The work has been accompanied by a commitment to researching practice, and has seen a number of studies completed, with a large scale research project on OERs across the global south underway. The open education agenda has been driven by a commitment to high quality education, by a belief in access to knowledge, by the hope for economies in the system, and through the Internet enabling the collaboration already woven into the academy to take a new networked and transparent form. Given its location, there has also been an acknowledgement of the need to make openly available locally developed teaching resources and research scholarly content from the global south. This bookchapter is a post-print. It is made available according to the terms of agreement between the author and the journal, and in accordance with UCT’s open access policy available: for the purposes of research, teaching and private study.

