Networks of accountability: HIV/AIDS action research in action on Western Cape farms

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University of Cape Town


WIdening circles, case studies in transformation, case study 3

This case study will be of value to researchers using action research as a methodology. The case study will also be of interest to those studying and researching HIV/AIDS in rural South African contexts. During 2005 Mikki van Zyl was contracted as a consultant to do action research on farm dwellers perceptions and experiences of HIV/AIDS in two districts of the Western Cape, South Africa. The research project was the first step in a provisional three - year process to develop and implement integrated strategic interventions for addressing HIV/AIDS on farms through multi-stake holder forums in the two districts. Employing a team of community researchers working in local run NGOs on HIV/AIDS we used individual interviews, focus groups, case studies, researcher field notes, evaluations and workshops for our dataset. The research process is presented as a case study - focusing on the context, dynamics and challenges in conducting the research and preparing the groundwork for setting up the stakeholder forums.

Funded by Centre for Rural Legal Studies.

