A Practical Carbonation Model for Service Life Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Master Thesis
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The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration due to global warming has a direct impact on the amount of carbonating concrete structures. For the past years, numerous studies have been done in South Africa on the subject and models developed to predict carbonation in concrete structures. Despite the large amount of resources and research effort put into developing these models, the translation from theory to practice represents a great challenge for design engineers in the field of durability design. This study presents a design tool based on existing models for use in practical applications. The proposed design tool assists in computing the service life of carbonating concrete structures and provides reliability values associated with the service life. It accounts for different binder compositions and binder types, as well as different locations and environmental land uses in South Africa. The validation of the design tool was done by comparing the service life prediction results to existing models, which generally showed good agreement. The developed design tool can be applied for predicting the long-term performance of new RC structures as well as improving the basis for quality assessment of existing, newly built RC structures. For the design of new structures, the designer is required to make certain assumptions concerning the information to be used for the simulation. These include values for the binder type, binder content, OPI, cover depth, land use and exposure parameters. For the quality control of new structures, the way in which the model parameters are obtained differs from that of new structures. As the structure already exists, both the concrete quality, cover depth and environmental loading can be measured directly on the structure with appropriate testing procedures. The outcome of applying the design tool for the analysis of concrete produced for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement project (GFIP) is also presented, with a case study of precast and in-situ structures chosen for the analysis.
Harold, R.F.L. 2021. A Practical Carbonation Model for Service Life Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. . ,Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment ,Department of Civil Engineering. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/36850