Eviscerated corneas as tissue source for ex vivo expansion of limbal epithelial cells on platelet-rich plasma gels
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
Purpose/Aim of the study: To assess if corneal epithelium can be cultured ex-vivo from corneas eviscerated due to irretrievable trauma, according to a cell culture method which made use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (A-PRP) as culture substrate. To compare corneal epithelium cultured ex vivo from corneas eviscerated following trauma using A-PRP combined with DMEM (Dulbecco's modified Eagles medium), versus DMEM alone. Materials and Methods: This was a laboratory case controlled study of human corneal cells cultured in a mixture of A-PRP and DMEM, versus DMEM alone from 6 eviscerated corneas. A hundred explants were created of which fifty explants were plated on A-PRP-gel construct combined with DMEM and fifty controls were placed in serum free DMEM alone. Donor patients received systemic antibiotics prior to evisceration. Results: Confluent epithelium in mono-layers could be cultured when donor limbal biopsies were placed in a mixture of A-PRP culture medium and DMEM. No growth were observed when corneas were placed in serum-free DMEM medium only (p<0.05). No bacterial infection was observed in cultures. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that autologous platelet rich plasma is a viable and effective alternative to bovine serum for the ex-vivo expansion of limbal epithelial cells. It also shows that eviscerated corneas are a viable source of donor tissue for this purpose in South Africa where access to tissue banks is limited.
Heydenrych, L. 2016. Eviscerated corneas as tissue source for ex vivo expansion of limbal epithelial cells on platelet-rich plasma gels. University of Cape Town.