A demographic study of adolescent in-patients at Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital 1986-1990 : implications for policy and intervention

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate demographic factors and treatment characteristics contained in the historical records of those treated as in-patients at the Sonstraal Adolescent unit of Lentegeur Hospital, during the period 1986 to 1990. This demographic study details the following aspects of the adolescent in-patients: size, that is, numbers of those admitted to the unit; composition, including age, sex and area. Treatment characteristics such as reasons for admission, diagnosis of psychopathology, referral agent on admission and discharge and length of stay in the unit are considered. The data for the study have been extracted from the clinical records contained at Sonstraal, namely , the 'Clinical Summary on Discharge' form. This form is completed by the therapist of each adolescent attending the unit. The EpiInfo computer programmes have been utilised to create a database and to select the appropriate procedures and statistics which form the basis for data analysis and interpretation. Data interpretation includes an analysis of the emerging trends and details the implications for policy issues, unit staffing and treatment options. Analysis of the trends and comparisons with literature findings have facilitated the generation of hypotheses which could be tested in future studies. This study therefore provides a working document for future prioritising and planning of in-patient, out-patient and community mental health services to adolescents, their families and communities. This involves recommendations for intervention and community involvement. In addition, the study provides a basis for future research into adolescent mental health care.

Bibliography: pages 108-115.

