Designing a knowledge resource to address bounded rationality and satisficing for ICT decisions in small organisations

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Many Small Organisations in South Africa do not effectively adopt ICT in their operations due to lack of knowledge and Information. This Design Science study sets out to understand the situation and possibly proffer a solution. In particular, this study attempted to establish the relevance of information for ICT decision tasks. The sources of information for Small Organisations, as related to ICT decisions, were elicited through semi-structured interviews. This study also attempted through the same research method to ascertain if a reliable information source will be useful and ultimately improve the Bounded Rationality situation. The survey showed the Internet as the top information source, followed by social capital for Small Organisation-ICT decisions. The survey showed the Internet as the top information source, followed by social capital for Small Organisation- ICT decisions. Then, through the design thinking process guided by Hasso-Plattner-Institute School of Design Thinking (HPI-D) methodology, the information gathered from this survey process was used to create an appropriate, consolidated and enhanced Internet information source. A final prototype website was built, incorporating features and content as gathered from the respondents (the design criteria). Finally, a questionnaire survey was administered as a tool for the testing and evaluation stages of the design. The preliminary results indicate expected high usability and effectiveness of the proposed solution.

Includes bibliographical references.

