Patient Satisfaction with a Pilot Chronic Pain Management Programme in Cape Town, South Africa
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South African Journal of Physiotherapy
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University of Cape Town
Background: The goals of a chronic pain management clinic includeincreasing patient knowledge about pain, developing pain management skillsand increasing patients’ confidence in their pain management abilities.A Chronic Pain Management Programme (CPMP) based on evidence basedguidelines was developed at a chronic pain management clinic to facilitatepatient discharge to a primary healthcare level. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patient satisfaction with, acceptability of and the perceived success which could be due to the CPMP developed at the Chronic Pain Management Clinic of Groote Schuur Hospital,Cape Town.Methods: Patients (n=14) were referred to the pilot study from the Chronic Pain Management Clinic. A s a pilot, four courses were run over a period ofone year. In order to reach the research aim, an eleven-question, structuredopen-ended interview was conducted with all participants. Results: Fourteen patients enrolled in the CPMP. Responses were favourable with participants emphasising the roleof increased knowledge about pain, the role of exercise and of stress management techniques. Participants also recog-nised a positive change in behaviours and attitudes following participation in the CPMP.Conclusions: Findings suggest that participants found the format of the course acceptable as regards course content,structure and delivery. Participant responses suggest that the course was acceptable and perceived as useful. However,future courses would benefit from refresher courses or structured support groups.
Parker, R., Burgess, S., Dubaniewicz, A., Gouws, L., Krone, J., Madden, V., ... & Parsons, C. (2009). Patient satisfaction with a pilot chronic pain management programme in Cape Town, South Africa. South African Journal of Physiotherapy, 65(1), 35-40.