Support Bath Deposition for Embedded 3D Printing
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Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town
In recent years, the prinKng of som constructs has been aided by the development of embedded 3D printing. A notable form of embedded 3D printing known as freeform reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels (FRESH) was developed and published by Hinton et al in 2015. In FRESH, the print material is deposited into a gel-like support bath which is removed once the print material has set . One of the primary limitations in embedded 3D printing is the size of the support bath. This project aimed to solve this issue through the development of a gel deposition system. A variety of parameters, including nozzle shape and size, the motion of the nozzle and the temperature of the support gel were considered. A peristaltic pump was developed in order to deliver gel to the deposition nozzle. The various components for the gel deposition system were designed, manufactured and assembled, and the effects of motion and temperature on the quality of the support bath and print material were tested. The results of these tests were qualitatively assessed. The testing outcomes indicated that, with further development, the deposition could feasibly be used to deliver support bath material in embedded 3D printing.
Masters, J.S.S. 2020. Support Bath Deposition for Embedded 3D Printing. . Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town ,Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment ,Department of Mechanical Engineering.