Effect of culture conditions on the competition between lactate oxidisers and fermenters in a biological sulfate reduction system
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Bioresource Technology
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University of Cape Town
Kinetic constants (μmax and Ks) describing the predominance of lactate oxidation and fermentation were determined in chemostat cultures. The kinetics of sulfate reduction and lactate utilization were determined from 0.5 to 5 d residence times at feed sulfate concentrations of 1.0–10.0 g l−1. The kinetics of lactate fermentation in the absence of sulfate were investigated at residence times of 0.5–5 d. The lactate oxidizers (LO) were characterized by a μmax of 0.2 h−1 and Ks value of 0.6 g l−1 compared with a μmax of 0.3 h−1 and Ks of 3.3 g l−1 for the lactate fermenters (LF). Using mathematical models, it was shown that LO competed more effectively for lactate at low lactate concentrations (⩽5 g l−1) and high sulfide concentrations (0.5 g l−1). Lactate fermenters outcompeted the oxidizers under conditions of excess lactate (>5 g l−1) and low sulfide (0.014–0.088 g l−1).
Oyekola, O. O., Harrison, S. T., & Van Hille, R. P. (2012). Effect of culture conditions on the competitive interaction between lactate oxidizers and fermenters in a biological sulfate reduction system. Bioresource technology, 104, 616-621.