A critical analysis of child trafficking laws and policies in South Africa

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The trafficking of children has been recognised by the international community as a transnational organised crime that affects children globally. As the child rights movement has grown in momentum over the last few decades, so has the concern regarding the exploitation of children. Child trafficking is certainly one of the gravest forms of abuse currently perpetuated against a child and his/her rights. Despite the numerous policy documents, international treaties and various other legal documents prohibiting the sale of children for any purpose; these documents have not resulted in the decrease or elimination of child trafficking. This paper will engage with child trafficking through a human rights lens in order to highlight the full extent of child abuse perpetuated by child trafficking. It is due to the very nature of child trafficking that resulted in the international and regional community enacting legal instruments to deal with different aspects of this crime. These instruments require states to prevent and punish the trafficking of children. This paper will examine South Africa s child trafficking laws and policies having regard to its international and regional obligations.

Includes bibliographical references.

