Investigating project management maturity in the ship repair industry of South Africa, a case study

Master Thesis


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Purpose Ship repair companies that employ a greater degree of the project management process functions enjoys greater business value and business success. Such certainty within a business' structure supports its longer-term sustainability and improves its growth potential. This research seeks to address the problem relating to the inability of ship repair companies to continually achieve targeted project estimates because of a lower levels of project management maturity. Research Design The research is exploratory in nature as the response in term of the selected maturity model used, seeks to understand the level of application of the ten PMI knowledge areas and how deeply engrained the function is adopted in the performance and within the organisation within the ship repair industry. The principle of communities of practise was adopted for this study which implies that the response and the data obtained will be based on the information shared by the respondents on their insights, experience, knowledge, and common interests within the industry. Findings - This study found an active, informal, and partially structured project management function present within the Western Cape's ship repair industry. The study further found the actual project maturity level at an average of 3.24, in line expectations for the industry and following the same direction, though at a lower level as similar research done on South Africa's IT, mining, engineering, and construction industries. Research Limitations - The study is limited to the Western Cape province's ship repair industry and based on the views of the industry's community of practise as indicator of its project management maturity.

