A descriptive study of the standard operating procedures for disaster response in the Saudi Arabian military health services

Master Thesis


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Background Saudi Arabia has suffered from disasters commonly in the last decade. The Saudi military medical services play a major role in confronting these events, but there are anecdotal challenges with their planning and response systems. Currently, disaster planning in Saudi Arabia appears to be undertaken in some detail, but the medical response to disasters is fragmented. This study aimed to review and assess the standard operating procedures for disaster response in the Saudi Arabian military health services. Methods We undertook a prospective, survey-based assessment of disaster response. We sought all disaster plans and Standard Operating Procedures from management and emergency department leadership at each of the 13 Military hospitals. We used a standardised survey tool to evaluate facility disaster planning. This tool gathers quantitative data using close-ended questions and open-ended commentary surrounding a hospital’s disaster response operating procedures. Results There was wide variability in the hospitals across the 20 themes in the survey. While most hospitals have a disaster plan, an up to date version was not always available. Key issues were identified in: management of contaminated patients; coordination of visitors, volunteers and extra staff; media management, and collaboration with other agencies. Conclusion The study highlighted a number of strengths in facility disaster preparedness, and a number of aspects where concerted efforts are required to improve the situation. In general, most hospitals had reasonable disaster plans in place, although none covered all the recommended areas in sufficient detail.

