Mitigating acid rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulfur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation

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Minerals Engineering

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University of Cape Town

Ultrafine coal wastes contain sulfide minerals, particularly pyrite, which oxidize and give rise to acid rock drainage (ARD) resulting in extensive and prolonged contamination of local ground and surface waters. Currently, mining operations emphasise an end-of-pipe approach to ARD management using costly chemical or biological treatment techniques, which do not address the long term problem of achieving sustainable closure solutions within the resource lifetime. Eliminating ARD potential before waste disposal would have a major beneficial impact on water quality and facilitate long term closure solutions. Recovering a saleable coal product would be an added economic incentive. This paper presents the results of an investigation to establish the feasibility of a two-stage flotation process to produce: (i) a low-volume sulfide-rich concentrate, (ii) a high-volume benign (low sulfur) tailings, and (iii) a coal concentrate. Laboratory-scale batch flotation experiments were carried out using an oily collector to float coal from samples of coal ultrafines and a xanthate collector to recover acid-generating sulfides. The results of acid generating potential tests (both static and biokinetic) indicate that a low-sulfur tailings with low ARD potential may be produced, together with a coal ultrafine concentrate stream with a low ash content.

