The balance between excellence and equity on admission test: contributions of experiences in South Africa and Costa Rica
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Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa
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University of Cape Town
Two experiences are described related to the challenge of maximizing excellence and equity in admission for Higher Education. At the University of Costa Rica (UCR) a test of reasoning with figures is being developed and validated to measure fluid intelligence, taking as a frame of reference the concepts by Raymond Cattell. On the other hand, the University of Cape Town in South Africa applies dynamic assessment methods, with tests that "teach" through their solution and based on Vygotskian approaches. These South African instruments have already provided predictive validity evidence in survival analysis studies and belong to an alternative admission program for students that come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, many of whom belong to groups who were segregated during "Apartheid". Whereas in the University of Costa Rica (UCR) the project is recent and currently it is being carried out in a diagnostic and research phase, the University of Cape Town possesses a trajectory of more than 20 years implementing its alternative admission program. Both proposals aim to identify in a more precise way students who have academic and cognitive potential for Higher Education, who come from environments with educational disadvantages, and whose abilities could be underestimated if only "traditional" admission tests and evaluations are employed. This article was published in both Spanish and English and the Spanish version is included.
Cliff, A., Montero, E. 2010. The balance between excellence and equity on admission test: contributions of experiences in South Africa and Costa Rica . Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa.