Architecture, dance and materiality : using choreology and sensuous materials to enhance the experience of architecture

Thesis / Dissertation


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For the first semester of this year, we were required to submit two documents, one to do with theory (the thinking of architecture), and one to do with technology (the making of architecture). My theory document, 'Architecture and Dance' and was to do with using the study of dance to enrich the spatial experience of architecture. This project was initially generated by my interest in dance. The technology document, 'Sensuous Materiality in Architecture' was about using sensuous materials to stimulate the haptic senses of the user, and therefore enhance the experience of being in architecture. Since both the documents had similar themes (enriching the experience of the spatial experience of architecture), I have elected to combine these two documents into one. This is now the first section of this project, titled 'Critical Research'. The second (and final) section of this project, titled 'Design Project', is my interpretation of this research in order to design a building. There are three parts to this section, 'Programme', 'Site Research' and 'Concept Design' which will support my final design to be presented at the exam at the end of October.

