Diagnosis of childhood asthma
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South African Family Practice
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South African Academy of Family Physicians
University of Cape Town
Childhood asthma is characterised by episodes of wheezing and coughing, particularly at night. The cough is typically non-productive of sputum and is irritating and persistent. It is most troublesome in the early hours of the morning, especially between 1-2 am. Chronic cough may be a presenting symptom in young children. Wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath become more obvious in children older than three years. Acute exacerbations of asthma are frequently associated with viral upper respiratory tract infections, but may also be triggered by exercise, particularly in cold and dry weather, laughter, crying, and exposure to allergens and irritants such as petrol or paint fumes. There may be a seasonal variation in symptoms, and it is common to find a diurnal variation with waking in the early hours of the morning, and increased symptoms on getting out of bed.
Levin, M., & Weinberg, E. (2011). Diagnosis of childhood asthma. South African Family Practice, 53(5), 437-439.