Explanatory models of illness amongst primary health care users in Mamre

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

This study explores the illness experiences of twenty one patients who presented for treatment at primary health care settings in Mamre, a small "coloured" community approximately 50km from Cape Town, with the aim of investigating the possible contribution of psychological factors to presentation for primary health care. It also attempts to investigate how, psychologically, we may understand the process of illness identification and help-seeking. Selected literature on psychological issues in primary health care is reviewed. A hermeneutically-oriented medical anthropological approach to the study of illness and health care is outlined. The participants for the study were selected from all patients presenting at general practitioners in Mamre and for O.P.D treatment at Wesfleur hospital over a period of one week. A semi-structured interview, consisting mainly of open-ended questions aild focussing on their illness explanations, experiences of treatment, and their understanding and/or experience of "nerves", was conducted within ten days, in their own homes. The analysis of the interview material drew on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative analysis provides indications of the frequency of types of illness and patient responses to treatment. The qualitative analysis draws on Kleinman's (1980) explanatory model/ framework with the aim of understanding the illness experience of each participant. The participants' understanding and/or experience of nerves is also described. This study provides additional insights in understanding the process of illness identification r and help-seeking and the contribution of psychological issues in the presentation for , primary health care.

Includes bibliographical references.

