Development of a robotic platform for the exploration of hazardous environments
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
This report documents the research, design, manufacturing, and testing of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) robotic platform. Robotic pjatbrms such as these are typically used as Urban Search and Resue (USAR) platforms, as in the World Trade Tower collapses in 2001, however this platform was designed to be a general purpose platform with applications beyond search and rescue. This is the 5th iteration of the platform. It was originally conceived as a platform for transporting mapping equipment into the ore passes or mines. As the project matured it progressed from a solution to this specific problem into a general purpose vehicle for transporting a variety of equipment into variety af hazardous environments. Through the University of Cape Town (UCT) Robotics and Agents Research Laboratory's involvement with the RoboCup Soccer project, the RoboCup Rescue competition emerged as an ideat test bed and development community for this type of platform. While the competition focuses specifically on USAR robots, the test procedures and equipment in use have many possible applications. Papers detailing the design of participating robots were analysed for useful design features and failings to avoid the many stumbling blocks for development of such a platform. Commercial robotic platforms such as the iRobot? Pock Bot were also investigated.
Includes bibliographical references.
Dreyer, E. 2012. Development of a robotic platform for the exploration of hazardous environments. University of Cape Town.