Reading against the grain : a metadisciplinary framework for poststructural and counterideological textual analysis with specific application to the problem of subject and structure

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The main objective of this dissertation is the formulation of a framework within which counterideological discourse analysis and poststructural multiple interpretations can be systematically and reflexively applied to texts. The interest in developing a poststructural interpretive framework is based on prior work done on this subject by J.B. Thompson (1984 ;1990). Thompson's work focuses on the development of a comprehensive and integrated analytical framework for the analysis of ideology, critically defined in terms of the mobilization of meaning to sustain relations of domination. The framework has an intentionally inclusive and amoebic character which makes it adaptable to use within multiple and specific interpretive interests, while at the same time providing a broader interpretive system for reflection on these specific uses and interests. The different uses can be articulated and applied within the more general structure of the framework. This makes comparative evaluation of multiple strategies of interpretational analyses possible. The dissertation is an attempt at a test fornulation and exposition of both the specific and the general aspects of the framework.

Includes bibliographies.

