Casting platinum jewellery alloys: the effects of casting variables on fill and porosity
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Platinum Metals Review
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University of Cape Town
Comparisons are made between platinum-copper and platinum-ruthenium alloys used for
jewellery to evaluate the effects of casting variables. The effects of flask temperatures,
investments, and centrifugal speeds on microstructure, percentage fill, and porosity were
examined over a range of temperatures. Optimum conditions and materials for successful
casting of high quality platinum jewellery alloys, using a Hot Platinum induction melting and
casting machine, are described. Suitable choice of investment materials and rotational speeds
produced good grid fills with Pt-5%Cu and Pt-5%Ru alloys. Metal porosity was more difficult
to control, due to the inherently chaotic nature of the casting process, but casting into a relatively
cool mould minimised the probability of bad porosity for both alloys. Pt-5%Ru was found to
be successful as a casting alloy when used with induction melting technology. It displayed
superior uniformity, hardness and colour, compared with cast Pt-5%Cu alloy.
Miller, D., Keraan, T., Park-Ross, P., Husemeyer, V., Brey, A., Khan, I., & Lang, C. (2005). Casting platinum jewellery alloys. Platinum Metals Review, 49(4), 174-182.