Munchausen syndrome by proxy : a form of pathological play?

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

The primary aim of this dissertation was to gain an understanding of the psychopathology present in the perpetrator of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSP), exploring Jureidini's (1999) notion that this behaviour can be explained as the perpetrator engaging in a form of pathological play. A systematic literature review regarding MSP, with particular foci on psychopathology in perpetrators of MSP and the notion of pathological play was conducted. The notion that MSP is a form of pathological play was critically evaluated through the use of clinical case material. Two cases were selected, both of which met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) diagnostic criteria for MSP, based on the assessment of a child psychiatrist with expertise in this area. The case material was analysed through the generation of common themes and identification of repetitive patterns which were then systematically analysed and compared with the findings cited in the literature review, with particular reference to MSP as a form of pathological play. Jureidini's (1999) theoretical statement was analysed in the light of the available evidence and the theoretical basis was then revised. Aspects explained by the theory were presented. Aspects not explained by the theory were rejected. Object Relations Theory was proposed as an alternative to understanding the psychopathology present in a perpetrator of MSP.

Bibliography: leaves 106-112.

