soMLier: A South African Wine Recommender System

Master Thesis


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Though several commercial wine recommender systems exist, they are largely tailored to consumers outside of South Africa (SA). Consequently, these systems are of limited use to novice wine consumers in SA. To address this, the aim of this research is to develop a system for South African consumers that yields high-quality wine recommendations, maximises the accuracy of predicted ratings for those recommendations and provides insights into why those suggestions were made. To achieve this, a hybrid system “soMLier” (pronounced “sommelier”) is built in this thesis that makes use of two datasets. Firstly, a database containing several attributes of South African wines such as the chemical composition, style, aroma, price and description was supplied by (a SA wine retailer). Secondly, for each wine in that database, the numeric 5-star ratings and textual reviews made by users worldwide were further scraped from to serve as a dataset of user preferences. Together, these are used to develop and compare several systems, the most optimal of which are combined in the final system. Item-based collaborative filtering methods are investigated first along with model-based techniques (such as matrix factorisation and neural networks) when applied to the user rating dataset to generate wine recommendations through the ranking of rating predictions. Respectively, these methods are determined to excel at generating lists of relevant wine recommendations and producing accurate corresponding predicted ratings. Next, the wine attribute data is used to explore the efficacy of content-based systems. Numeric features (such as price) are compared along with categorical features (such as style) using various distance measures and the relationships between the textual descriptions of the wines are determined using natural language processing methods. These methods are found to be most appropriate for explaining wine recommendations. Hence, the final hybrid system makes use of collaborative filtering to generate recommendations, matrix factorisation to predict user ratings, and content-based techniques to rationalise the wine suggestions made. This thesis contributes the “soMLier” system that is of specific use to SA wine consumers as it bridges the gap between the technologies used by highly-developed existing systems and the SA wine market. Though this final system would benefit from more explicit user data to establish a richer model of user preferences, it can ultimately assist consumers in exploring unfamiliar wines, discovering wines they will likely enjoy, and understanding their preferences of SA wine.

