Capture-recapture analyses of humpback population sizes and increase rates: breeding stocks C1-C3
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International Whaling Commission
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University of Cape Town
Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methodologies are developed to analyse the photo-ID and genotypic capture-recapture data available for the C1 and C3 breeding sub-stocks of humpback whales in the western Indian Ocean. A simple exponential growth population model is assumed, and estimates of annual growth rate and abundances determined. Maximum likelihood estimates of r are generally imprecise and often the point estimates are demographically infeasible. The most reliable results are probably those from the Bayesian analyses with a prior for r of U[0; 0.106]. The data update this prior somewhat more for C3 than for C1, with a median posterior estimate of 8.0% for the former. Posterior median estimates of abundance for each sub-stock when analysed in isolation are both a little more than 6500. An interchange model is developed to take account of photo-ID information on exchanges between the C1 and C3 regions (only one such exchange has been recorded thus far). The results show little difference between the combined abundances estimated for the two sub-stocks with such interchange, compared to the sum of results for the two analysed in isolation; the posterior median annual probability of an animal from either sub-stock visiting the other’s region in any one year is a little more than 5%, with an upper 5%-ile of some 19%. It should be understood that the results presented are intended to be illustrative, not definitive, having the purpose of facilitating further runs and refinements of the models during Scientific Committee discussions.
Johnston, S. J., & Butterworth, D. S. (2008). Capture-recapture analyses of humpback population sizes and increase rates: Breeding stocks C1-C3. Paper SC/60/SH37rev presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, May 2008 (unpublished). 27pp.[Available from the office of this Journal].