Selected technology options for sanitation provision to developing communities in urban South Africa

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

In 1990 the Water. Research Commission initiated an evaluation of sanitation entitled "Technical, socio-economic and environmental evaluation of sanitation systems for developing urban areas in South Africa". The research project was undertaken jointly by Palmer Development Group and the University of Cape Town. The project culminated in 26 reports submitted under the collective title "Urban Sanitation Evaluation" in December 1992. This thesis is based principally on the research work that the Water Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, contributed to the project and, in particular, the overview document entitled " Technology options for sanitation provision to developing Communities" (PDG/UCT Document AS, 1992). Since 1986, after the removal of legal restrictions on urbanisation, a high rate of population movement to the cities and towns commenced with housing of the urban poor a focal point. The three essential aspects of housing are location in reasonable proximity to work, provision of services, in particular water supply and sanitation, and the house or shelter. Water supply and sanitation are basic health requirements. This thesis investigates selected technology options for sanitation provision to developing communities in urban South Africa.

Includes bibliography.


