The point of crossing: Intensifying place on Voortrekker Road

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

A point in Voortrekker Road was intensified by creating a halting place at an underdeveloped and important crossing in the central area of the Voortrekker Road Corridor, in Parow. Connectivity within the business centre of Parow is enhanced by the railway lines that run parallel to Voortrekker Road to the north and south - providing multiple access to public transport. The station enables a pedestrian network that extends far beyond its reach. This network is currently a very popular informal trading area. Trade is focused within a narrow strip, called Station Arcade, a pedestrian link from Voortrekker Road to the station. The area to the north of Voortrekker Road lacks the vibrant activity, generated within the commercial zone to the south. A reason for this is the strip of parking lots behind Voortrekker Road that create a buffer zone between the commercial strip and the residential area to the north. At the moment this transitional space adjacent to Voortrekker Road is ill defined and lacks activity. At night, these spaces become vulnerable areas and unsafe zones due to the gang activity and crime within the area. Due to the many tertiary institutions within the central part of the Voortrekker Road Corridor and a lack of student residences, a campus framework was introduced which proposes the development of student residences along a recreational spine. This framework was focused around key strategies to satisfy students’ accommodation needs. The junction between Voortrekker Road and Station Arcade serves as a significant point of crossing within the campus precinct and the location of my site. By locating a central function at this point within the campus, the existing link to the station is reinforced and a gateway to the new recreational spine behind Voortrekker Road is introduced. The Student Exchange building, located at this important nexus, will assist in creating shared facilities that can provide academic and social support to students in the area.

Includes bibliographical references.

