Changing Research Communication Practices and Open Scholarship: A Framework for Analysis
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University of Cape Town. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme
University of Cape Town
"It is important that academics’ research communication practices are explored to complement these system approaches. How do we think about these issues in order to investigate and illuminate changing forms of knowledge creation and communication?
The project from which this paper is drawn was interested to answer three interrelated questions:
• What are the research communication practices of academics?
• What enables or constrains the flow of research communication within these practices?
• How closed or open are academics’ scholarly communication practices?
This paper describes our thinking as we developed the analytical framework that would enable us to answer these questions. The analytical framework was developed from the conceptual framework we used to shape our study through an iterative process with the data collected."
Czerniewicz, L., Kell, C., Willmers, M., King, T. 2014-04. Changing Research Communication Practices and Open Scholarship: A Framework for Analysis.