Metallic links : for the integration of city to sea and people to city
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
This thesis has taken a on a site specific design approach that was initially conceived in the idea of barriers within our city. The barrier or barriers in this instance is the post industrial landscape of Culemborg that currently acts together with the N1 freeway as a barrier between Woodstock, Salt River and Observatory to the surrounding coastal areas as well as access to the site itself. This place is a lost space that needs to be integrated into the urban fabric. In this lies the opportunity or need for an architectural intervention that will begin to integrate or break down this barrier. The barriers discussed here are not isolated to Cape Town or South Africa but is a consequence of the post industrial city that is further explained in the theory component of the document. In general terms these barriers include highways, railroad and waterfronts where major gaps disrupt the overall continuity of the city form. Pedestrian links between important destinations are often broken (Tancik: 2).
Includes bibliographical references.
Van der Vyver, R. 2011. Metallic links : for the integration of city to sea and people to city. University of Cape Town.