Building a question answering system for the introduction to statistics course using supervised learning techniques

Master Thesis


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Question Answering (QA) is the task of automatically generating an answer to a question asked by a human in natural language. Open-domain QA is still a difficult problem to solve even after 60 years of research in this field, as trying to answer questions which cover a wide range of subjects is a complex matter. Closed-domain QA is, on the other hand, more achievable as the context for asking questions is restricted and allows for more accurate interpretation. This dissertation explores how a QA system could be built for the Introduction to Statistics course taught online at the University of Cape Town (UCT), for the purpose of answering administrative queries. This course runs twice a year and students tend to ask similar administrative questions each time that the course is run. If a QA system can successfully answer these questions automatically, it would save lecturers the time in having to do so manually, as well as enabling students to receive the answers immediately. For a machine to be able to interpret natural language questions, methods are needed to transform text into numbers while still preserving the meaning of the text. The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) offers the building blocks for such methods that have been used in this study. After predicting the category of a new question using Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR), the past question that is most similar to the new question is retrieved and its answer is used for the new question. The following five classifiers, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Random Forests were compared to see which one provides the best results for the categorisation of a new question. The cosine similarity method was used to find the most similar past question. The Round-Trip Translation (RTT) technique was explored as an augmentation method for text, in an attempt to increase the dataset size. Methods were compared using the initial base dataset of 744 questions, compared to the extended dataset of 6 614 questions, which was generated as a result of the RTT technique. In addition to these two datasets, features for Bag-of-Words (BoW), Term Frequency times Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDiA), pre-trained Global Vector (GloVe) word embeddings and customengineered features were also compared. This study found that a model using an MLR classifier with TF-IDF unigram and bigram features (built on the smaller 744 questions dataset) performed the best, with a test F1-measure of 84.8%. Models using a Stochastic Gradient Descent classifier also performed very well with a variety of features, indicating that Stochastic Gradient Descent is the most versatile classifier to use. No significant improvements were found using the extended RTT dataset of 6 614 questions, but this dataset was used by the model that ranked eighth in position. A simulator was also built to illustrate and test how a bot (an autonomous program on a network that is able to interact with users) can be used to facilitate the auto-answering of student questions. This simulator proved very useful and helped to identify the fact that questions relating to the Course Information Pack had been excluded from the data that had been initially sourced, as students had been asking such questions through other platforms. Building a QA system using a small dataset proved to be very challenging. Restricting the domain of questions and focusing only on administrative queries was helpful. Lots of data cleaning was needed and all past answers needed to be rewritten and standardised, as the raw answers were too specific and did not generalise well. The features that performed the best for cosine similarity and for extracting the most similar past question were LSA topics built from TF-IDF unigram features. Using LSA topics as the input for cosine similarity, instead of the raw TF-IDF features,resolved the “curse of dimensionality”. Issues with cosine similarity were observed in cases where it favoured short documents, which often led to the selection of the wrong past question. As an alternative, the use of more advanced language-modelling-based similarity measures are suggested for future study. Either, pre-trained word embeddings such as GloVe could be used as a language model, or a custom language model could be trained. A generic UCT language model could be valuable and it would be preferable to build such a language model using the entire digital content of Vula across all faculties where students converse, ask questions or post comments. Building a QA system using this UCT language model is foreseen to offer better results, as terms like “Vula”, “DP”, “SciLab” and “jdlt1” would be endowed with more meaning.

