An analysis of students' experiences during their acquisition of academic literacy, based on their consultations with the UCT Writing Centre : looking towards improving the feasibility of academic mentorship within higher education
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
In this dissertation I investigate students' experiences during their acquisition of academic literacy skills, evident in their use of a support service at a higher educational institution. The focus of study is the University of Cape Town's (UCT's) Writing Centre, where students are able to discuss drafts of their written assignments with consultants. Through a detailed analysis of a large set of consultation records, I explore whether students' experiences and use of the Writing Centre vary according to language, gender and degree level. And based on this analysis, I discuss more generally the role that the UCT Writing Centre has played. Arguing that the type of relationships developed between students and consultants in the Writing Centre can be regarded as a form of mentorship, and taking into account such experiences from the Writing Centre, I look towards the feasibility of a model of academic mentorship forming part of a necessary wider institutional developmental endeavour aimed at catering adequately for a diverse student population, such as that of UCT's today.
Bibliography: leaves 239-247.
Hutchings, C. 2002. An analysis of students' experiences during their acquisition of academic literacy, based on their consultations with the UCT Writing Centre : looking towards improving the feasibility of academic mentorship within higher education. University of Cape Town.