Die blou van ons hemel
Master Thesis
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University of Cape Town
Die hoof van die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Buitelandse Sake bevind hom in 'n netelige situasie. Ruben Meyer se diplomatieke vaardighede word tot die uiterste beproef. Hy word gekonfronteer met die veranderende politieke bestel in post-koloniale Suid-Afrika, 'n krisis in sy persoonlike lewe en 'n gepoogde staatsgreep in Wes- Afrika waar diplomate aangehou word. Justine Minnaert is vanaf Brussel op pad na Kaapstad vir haar eerste joernalistieke opdrag in Afrika. Sy weet nie wat om van die kontinent en sy mense te verwag nie en hoe om die kontraste tussen haar Europese persepsie en die realiteit van Afrika te hanteer nie. 'n Web van intrige word geweef in 'n wereld waar diplomate, politici, diamant- en wapenhandelaars die lewens van miljoene mense bepaal. English abstract: The head of the South African Department of Foreign Affairs finds himself in a precarious position. Ruben Meyer's diplomatic skills are tested to the full. He is confronted by the changing political scene in post-colonial South Africa, turmoil in his personal life and an attempted coup d'etat in West Africa where diplomats are being held captive. Justine Minnaert is on her way from Brussels to Cape Town for her first journalistic assignment in Africa. She does not know what to expect of this troubled continent and its people and has to deal with the contrasts between her European perception and the reality of Africa. A web of intrigue is woven in a world where diplomats, politicians, diamond and weapons dealers determine the lives of millions of people.
Van der Merwe, Q. 2003. Die blou van ons hemel. University of Cape Town.