An implementation evaluation of the rehabilitation care workers training programme

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

In 2011, the Western Cape Department of Health (WC DoH) adopted a health plan called Healthcare 2020. The framework of the plan emphasizes the necessity to de-hospitalize care in the province. The healthcare plan has brought about a shift in care policy. That is, moving from a passive delivery to a more active delivery where patients act independently. Active care refers to care that takes into account the needs of patients. Developing rehabilitation and care skills within the Western Cape Province is a key element to meet the de-hospitalization goal. Thus, the WC DoH commissioned and funded a pilot programme to train Rehabilitation Care Workers (RCWs) in the Mitchell's Plain District. This pilot programme involved rehabilitation and support for people with disabilities (PWDs) and their families. The rationale behind the programme was that if RCWs are given the necessary training and knowledge through learning and practical sessions, they will be more skilled to offer improved quality of care and support (Schneider, 2012, Healthcare, 2020). The Disabilities Studies Division (DSD) of School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at University of Cape Town (UCT) designed and delivered the training, consisting of learning and practical components. The current evaluation aims at investigating implementation of the learning component of the programme.

Includes bibliographical references.

