Local-level institutions and common property resource management in the Khorixas regional constituency, Namibia

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

In 1993, the Government of Namibia formulated the Rural Water Supply Policy which provides for the establishment of the Water Point Committees to take responsibility for management of water supply in rural areas. By establishing these local-level water management institutions, policy makers in Namibia assume that water resources in the rural areas will be managed sustainably. This dissertation seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of local-level institutions in the management of rural water supply in Namibia. Water Point Committees in the Khorixas regional constituency will be used as an illustration. Specifically, this dissertation examines the provisions of the Rural Water Supply Policy and the National Land Policy and assesses their implications with regards to management of land and water in communal areas. In addition, the socio-economic conditions of the Khorixas constituency and their appropriateness for local-level management are examined. The extent to which the attributes of sustainability have been considered in the implementation of policies is also examined. Broad recommendations that could improve the effectiveness of the Water Point Committees in the Khorixas constituency and possibly in other areas in Namibia are made.

Includes bibliographical references.

