Research Publishing Models: A Guide for University Managers

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University of Cape Town. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme

University of Cape Town

How does an institution begin to engage with new forms of scholarly communication and begin the task of capturing – and therefore leveraging – its knowledge output? Scholarly communication requires institution-wide engagement by a range of stakeholders, in ways that are largely contingent on historical and contextual factors within the institution. !erefore, while there are extensive publicly available guides on scholarly communication, institutions need to articulate strategies based on their objectives, capacity, infrastructure and other factors. An institutional policy can provide a scaffolding to guide implementation, inform governance, identify revenue streams for capacity development, and make explicit the contributions of various stakeholders. An open access policy typically forms the overarching structure for engagement, complemented by other policies such as repository and intellectual property policies. Librarians are ideally placed to facilitate knowledge access across an institution, and to play an active role in disseminating and facilitating the re-use of knowledge.

