Persistent enuresis and awakening response

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Ten primary nocturnal enuretic children and twenty- eight non-enuretic children between five and twelve years of age were subjects for a measurement of awakening response. A buzzer was sounded two hours after the child's bedtime ("lights-out") and the length of time it took the child to turn off the buzzer was recorded. If the child did not respond within 120 seconds (2 minutes) a non-awakening response was recorded. The subjects were tested three random nights by the parent(s) of the subjects. The parents were given verbal and written instructions for the use of the buzzer and stop-watch utilized for timing. Data (date, time child went to bed, time tested, duration of buzzer, and ability to remember testing) was recorded on a form supplied by the researcher. A letter stating the purpose of the study was given for explanation of the testing process. Information as to the frequency of enuretic episodes, history of enuresis in family and a case number was obtained for each subject. All of the subjects were volunteers from the general population Persistent Enuresis (e.g., schools, churches). None of the enuretic subjects were receiving treatment at the time of testing. Data was collected by the reseacher and a chi-square test was utilized to compare the awakening response of enuretic and non-enuretic children.

Bibliography: pages 87-98.

